by T20 Admin | 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
Scaling Up Business Impact on the SDGs Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 1: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development By Izumi Ohno, Kenichi Konya, Hiroaki Shiga, Franklin Murillo, and Estefania Charvet Abstract Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Role of G20 in Designing Immigration Policies to Support Population Aging By Omar Kadkoy and Güven Sak AbstractThe advanced economies of the world are undergoing a demographic shift toward older societies, which may be accompanied with slowdown in economic growth....
by T20 Admin | Climate Change and Environment, Policy Briefs, Publication
Policies and Practices to Enable Business Models for Resource Efficiency and a Circular Economy By Joyita Ghose and Shilpi Kapur AbstractIf current patterns of production and consumption continue, the global demand for materials is expected to more than double by...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Use Evidence-based Medicine to Raise the Productivity of Healthcare in Aging Populations By Michael Stolpe AbstractHealthcare productivity is a concern in all countries with aging populations. Amid rapid change in epidemiology and technological opportunities,...
by T20 Admin | 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Policy Briefs, Publication
Sustainable Financing for Development By Homi Kharas, Sachin Chaturvedi, Mustafizur Rahman, and Imme Scholz Abstract Developing countries face challenges in using cross-border capital flows to fund investments in sustainable development. International financial...