by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Policy Briefs, Publication
The Infrastructure Nexus: From the Future of Infrastructures to the Infrastructures of the Future By Nicolas J.A. Buchoud, Ross Douglas, Pascal Gastineau, Martin Koning, David Mangin, Philippe Poinsot, Jean François Silvain, and Hélène Soubelet AbstractThe...
by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Policy Briefs, Publication
Infrastructure Investment Needs and Sources of Financing By Yasuyuki Sawada Abstract Developing Asia must mobilize $1.7 trillion annually to meet its infrastructure needs. Governments can increase public investment in infrastructure by raising more revenues,...
by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Policy Briefs, Publication
Pursuing Quality of Infrastructure for Sustainable Growth By Daniel F. Runde Abstract The developing world is facing an annual deficit of US$ 3.7 trillion in infrastructure investments, critical for its economic growth and sustainable development. Radical changes to...
by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Policy Briefs, Publication
Building Resilient Infrastructure Systems By Caroline Evans, Bruno Godart, Jürgen Krieger, Jean-Bernard Kovarik, Marc Mimram, and Fabien Palhol Abstract The need to provide resilient infrastructure systems will intensify in the coming years. Addressing vulnerabilities...
by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
Quality Infrastructure Investment: Ways to Increase the Rate of Return for Infrastructure Investments Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Task Force 4: Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing By Naoyuki Yoshino, Nella Hendriyetty, and Saloni...