by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
Fostering Human Dimension of the Digital Education By Ilya Kiriya AbstractIn contemporary attitudes of new digital technology role in education there is a domination of technological determinism, in other words – the belief that new technologies of education and...
by T20 Admin | Cooperation with Africa, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
Fiscal and Debt Sustainability in Africa Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 5: Cooperation with Africa By Kapil Kapoor, George Kararach, Jacob Odour, Walter Odero, Edward Sennoga, Brahima Coulibaly, and Ryosuke Nakata Abstract Fiscal sustainability concerns in...
by T20 Admin | An International Financial Architecture for Stability and Development/Cryptocurrency and Fintech, Policy Briefs, Publication
Mainstreaming Natural Capital Valuation By Purvaja Modak, Akshay Mathur, and K N Vaidyanathan AbstractThere is a critical need to reconfigure the international financial architecture to meet sustainable goals. For making informed decisions on allocating resources for...
by T20 Admin | Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing, Policy Briefs, Publication
Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment from the Land-based Financing By Vladimir Yakunin, Daisuke Kotegawa, Pablo Ava, Teresita Cruz-del Rosario, Dimitris Psarrakis, Anna-Maria Chkoniya, Maxim Vilisov, Li Xin, and Jose Barbero Abstract The challenges of the...
by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics
The G20 in face of politicization: Avoiding or embracing contestation? By Pol Morillas and Jordi Quero AbstractAs the ‘liberal consensus’ cannot be taken for granted any longer, the G20 is facing today similar challenges to the ones affecting other multilateral phora,...