by T20 Admin | Cooperation with Africa, Policy Briefs, Publication
Linking Smallholder Production with Value-added Food Markets By Belay Begashaw, Gert-Jan Verburg, Futoshi Yamauchi, Daniele Fattibene, and Fujita Yasuo AbstractDemographic pressures and climate change in Africa are rendering subsistence farming an unviable livelihood...
by T20 Admin | Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication, The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
The Need to Promote Digital Financial Literacy for the Digital Age Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 7: The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age By Peter J. Morgan, Bihong Huang, and Long Q. Trinh Abstract Digital financial literacy (DFL) is likely...
by T20 Admin | Cooperation with Africa, Policy Briefs, Publication
Industrial Development and ICT in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward By Gamal Ibrahim, Witness Simbanegavi, Anita Prakash, William Davis, Wilson Wasike, and Ashraf Patel AbstractThis policy brief explores how African countries can leverage...
by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
Industrialization and Growth in Digital Age: Disruptions and Opportunities for Employment Led Growth in Asia and Africa By Anita Prakash AbstractDigital economy will affect the patterns and geographical location of industries, employment, trade and economic growth....
by T20 Admin | Cooperation with Africa, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
G20 Compact with Africa Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 5: Cooperation with Africa By Rob Floyd, Kapil Kapoor, and Laura Sennett Abstract The G20 Compact with Africa (CWA), under the G20 Finance Track, promotes sustainable development in reform-minded African...
by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
Fostering Human Dimension of the Digital Education By Ilya Kiriya AbstractIn contemporary attitudes of new digital technology role in education there is a domination of technological determinism, in other words – the belief that new technologies of education and...