by T20 Admin | Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication, SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology
Promoting Investment in Human Capital and Labor Mobility: Making the Entrepreneurial Economy Work Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 9: SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology By Erik Stam, Niels Bosma, and Hiroyuki Okamuro Abstract Many...
by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology
Promoting Support for Start-ups By Yuji Honjo, Luca Grilli, Erik Stam, Massimo Colombo, and Ing-Kuen Lai AbstractStart-ups are often expected to contribute to the revitalization of the national and regional economies. Some start-ups play a critical role in innovation...
by T20 Admin | Policy Briefs, Publication, SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology
Fostering Greater SME Participation in a Globally Integrated Economy By Miriam Koreen and Lucia Cusmano AbstractGlobal value chains (GVCs) offer new opportunities for SMEs to integrate the global economy. Benefits from GVC participation depend on the nature of...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Aging, Fiscal Sustainability and Adequacy of Social Security Systems By Rafal Chomik, John Piggott, and Sophie Yan AbstractPopulation ageing poses unique challenges for social security systems. Developed countries, with well-established structures, will face...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
Aging Population and its Impacts on Fiscal Sustainability Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 10: Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration By Naoyuki Yoshino, Chul Ju Kim, and Pitchaya Sirivunnabood Abstract The world is in the midst of demographic...
by T20 Admin | 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Policy Briefs, Publication
Women’s Economic Empowerment: Strengthening Public and Private Sector Impact through Accountability and Measurement (SDG 5) By Margo Thomas, Eleanor Carey, Dinah Bennett, Jaclyn Berford, Boris Branisa, Yolanda Gibb, Colette Henry, Eun Kyung Kim, Gala Díaz Langou,...