by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Aging, Fiscal Sustainability and Adequacy of Social Security Systems By Rafal Chomik, John Piggott, and Sophie Yan AbstractPopulation ageing poses unique challenges for social security systems. Developed countries, with well-established structures, will face...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Featured Policy Briefs, Policy Briefs, Publication
Aging Population and its Impacts on Fiscal Sustainability Policy Brief Under T20 Japan Task Force 10: Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration By Naoyuki Yoshino, Chul Ju Kim, and Pitchaya Sirivunnabood Abstract The world is in the midst of demographic...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Financial Literacy, Incentives, and Innovation to Deal with Population Aging By Charles Yuji Horioka and Yoko Niimi AbstractOne of the challenges that population aging poses is to ensure that people have an adequate level of saving for old age. While individuals are...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Investment in Social Capital and Migrant Labour as a Solution for Population Aging By Wilfred Lunga and Konosoang Sobane Abstract Population ageing has become a global concern for most economies due to the implications it has on labor market dynamics and economic...
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Role of G20 in Designing Immigration Policies to Support Population Aging By Omar Kadkoy and Güven Sak AbstractThe advanced economies of the world are undergoing a demographic shift toward older societies, which may be accompanied with slowdown in economic growth....
by T20 Admin | Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration, Policy Briefs, Publication
Use Evidence-based Medicine to Raise the Productivity of Healthcare in Aging Populations By Michael Stolpe AbstractHealthcare productivity is a concern in all countries with aging populations. Amid rapid change in epidemiology and technological opportunities,...