- 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- International Financial Architecture for Stability and Development/Crypto-assets and Fintech
- Climate Change and Environment
- Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing
- Cooperation with Africa
- Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics
- The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
- Trade, Investment and Globalization
- SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology
- Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
The Sustainable Development Goals aim to realize a society ‘that leaves no one behind,’ and this shares much common ground with the concept of human security which Japan has been promoting for many years. Therefore, this year, Task Force 1 – 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – will cover selected issues which are critically important for SDG advancement. Read more.
International Financial Architecture for Stability and Development/Crypto-assets and Fintech
Task Force 2 – International Financial Architecture for Stability and Development/Crypto-assets and Fintech – will review the T20’s aspirations and achievements during the past decades with respect to the design and improvement of the international financial architecture. As a result of this review, the Task Force will identify and recommend new priorities for policy action. Read more.
Climate Change and Environment
Climate change is an issue the international community must address collectively, and the steadfast implementation of the Paris Agreement is urgently needed. Moreover, addressing climate change is a critical pillar for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Based on these ideas, accelerating the virtuous cycle of environmental protection and economic growth are urgently required. Task Force 3 – Climate Change and Environment – plans to develop such recommendations. Read more.
Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing
Development of infrastructure is prerequisite to long-term sustainable economic growth. However, about 10% of GDP is needed to finance infrastructure-related projects in developing countries worldwide. It is also imperative that policies focus on sustainable investment in infrastructure. Task Force 4 – Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment and its Financing – will take this mandate forward. Read more.
Cooperation with Africa
African countries still face various development challenges. However, Africa can take advantage of new trends such as the development of value chains in agriculture and industry, and the leapfrogging impact of innovative technologies. This Task Force – Cooperation with Africa – will promote the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and sustainable development across the African continent. Read more.
Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics
In recent years, there has been political backlash against globalization in many parts of the world. Task Force 6 – Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics – deals with the unprecedented crisis in multilateralism at the global level, disruption of social cohesion at the domestic level, how nations could address these issues, and what the future of politics should look like. Read more.
The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age
Technological transformations such as artificial intelligence, fintech and the Internet of Things are putting the global economy on a new track. Policy actions are needed to harness the opportunities and ensure the benefits are shared by all. Task Force 7 – The Future of Work and Education for the Digital Age – will make recommendations on how to achieve well-balanced labor markets while reducing inequalities and promoting economic and social development. Read more.
Trade, Investment and Globalization
Task Force 8 – Trade, Investment and Globalization – will address policies to strengthen the World Trade Organization and improve the world trading system, goods and services trade policies and socially just and environmentally-friendly investment policies, and the establishment of well-balanced global rules that promote the free flow of data and the protection of personal information. Read more.
SME Policy faced with Development of Financial Technology
Small and medium-sized enterprises account for more than half of formal employment globally and are crucial for stimulating improvements in productivity. However, many SMEs face challenges related to their sizes, limited resources, market access and relationship with larger enterprises. Task Force 9 – SME Policy Faced with Development of Financial Technology – will discuss possible policy recommendations to address these challenges. Read more.
Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration
Rapidly aging populations pose a serious challenge to the global economy. Task Force 10 – Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration – will focus on policy measures and actions aimed toward sustaining inclusive economic growth and well-functioning socioeconomic systems which provide social security to all people. The role of labor migration to alleviate the impact of declining labor forces and working populations will also be explored. Read more.